- Stoica, M. S. (2022). ”European Identity As a Cornerstone of Regionalism. Perceptions on the Future of Europe”. Transylvanian Review, 31, 267-277.
- Stoica, M. S. & Voina, A. (2023). ”Measuring Receptivity to Eurosceptic Media Discourses in the Vicinity of War: Evidence from Romania”, Media and Communication, 11(4), 34-46. [Q2, IF = 3,1]
- Voina, A., & Stoica, M. S. (2023). ”Reframing Leadership: Jacinda Ardern’s Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic”, Media and Communication, 11(1), 139-149. [Q2, IF = 3,1]
- Stoica, M. S. (2023). ”European Identity in the Proximity of War. Assessing Support for Eurosceptic Populism in Romania”, în: Alexandrescu, M. (coord.): Citizens of the European Union. Status, Identity & Beyond, Presa Universitară Clujeană: Cluj-Napoca, pp. 127 – 143.
- Stoica, M. S. (2023). The Political Compass. Gamifying Political Communication in Romania. Accent: Cluj-Napoca. ISBN: 978-606-561-242-6.
- Stoica, M. S. (2023). ”Participatory Democracy as a Favourable Context for Social Innovation. Evidence from the European Union”, Postmodern Openings/Deschideri Postmoderne, 14(1), 16 – 25.
- Stoica, M. S. (2023). ”Conceptualising ‘Vulnerability to Populist Narratives’. The Messianic Claim of Populist Leaders”. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 3-19.
Pe lângă acestea, proiectul a permis dezvoltarea și altor manuscrise, la momentul elaborării acestui raport în diferite etape ale procesului de review:
• Alexandrescu, M. & Stoica, M. S. (2024). Drivers of Authoritarian Demand in the Aftermath of the Pandemic and Amid Neighbouring War: Eastern Europe Compared. Politics & Governance, forthcoming. [Q2, IF = 2,2]
• Cristea, V., Stoica, M. S., Buma, R., Krouwel, A., Ortega, A. L., Thomeczek, J. P., Antonucci, L., Di Stefano, R. & Kersting, N. (2024). AUR People: Predictors of Support for the Populist Alliance for the Union of Romanians in an Anti-EU ‚Colonisation’ Context, East European Politics, forthcoming. [Q1, IF = 3,2]